More of this, please.
Staff Sgt. Barry Sadler, the co-writer and performer of the song, was himself a Green Beret medic. He wrote the song while recovering from a leg wound he received during his service in Vietnam. The song’s straightforward, narrative style and its focus on the bravery and sacrifice of the soldiers struck a chord with the American public. It celebrated the Special Forces and their role in the ongoing conflict, reflecting the sentiments and respect of the American people towards their military during a tumultuous period in U.S. history.
Barry Sadler’s personal story is also noteworthy. After his military service and the success of his song, Sadler’s life took various turns. He wrote several novels and continued to record music, although he never replicated the monumental success of “The Ballad of the Green Berets.” His life was marked by both personal challenges and triumphs, and he remained a figure of significant interest due to his military service and musical career.
Sgt. Barry Sadler’s contribution to music and his portrayal of military life through “The Ballad of the Green Berets” have left a lasting legacy. His work is remembered for its emotional depth and its straightforward celebration of the courage and sacrifice of soldiers. The song remains one of the most recognizable military anthems in the United States, a testament to its powerful impact and the complex times during which it was created.
Overall, “The Ballad of the Green Berets” stands as a significant cultural artifact of the 1960s, reflecting the era’s conflicted feelings about war, duty, and patriotism. It encapsulates a period when music increasingly became a vehicle for political expression and personal identity, serving as a poignant reminder of the sacrifices made by military personnel and the complexities of the American experience during the Vietnam War.
Fighting soldiers from the sky
Fearless men who jump and die
Men who mean just what they say
The brave men of the Green Beret
Silver wings upon their chest
These are men, America’s best
One hundred men will test today
But only three win the Green Beret
Trained to live off nature’s land
Trained in combat, hand-to-hand
Men who fight by night and day
Courage peak from the Green Berets
Silver wings upon their chest
These are men, America’s best
One hundred men will test today
But only three win the Green Beret
Back at home a young wife waits
Her Green Beret has met his fate
He has died for those oppressed
Leaving her his last request
Put silver wings on my son’s chest
Make him one of America’s best
He’ll be a man they’ll test one day
Have him win the Green Beret.
Silver wings upon their chest
These are men, America’s best
One hundred men will test today
But only three win the Green Beret
1960 Pontiac Bonneville Convertible.
She’s a beauty.
That’s the only Auto-pay that I have, except for my Medicare Supplement . ATT offered a pretty nice discount if I used Auto-pay.
But I will definitely put that in my notes to my executor.
When my Beloved Fluttery Aunt died, Eldest Sis had the hardest time getting all of her autopays turned off. As BFA got older and sicker, Eldest tried to convince BFA to change those accounts, but BFA insisted it was better to leave them that way. All of those bills kept getting paid for accounts that were active but not being used until Eldest could get in front of a judge and get the official okey-dokey from the judge and the accompanying okey-dokey paperwork.
I had to go to the ATT store in Brenham, earlier. After Fay left for greener pastures I went there and they supposedly transferred the account to me. But they had it all screwed up. As such, when I tried online to change the credit card number that I use for Auto-pay, I hit a brick wall. What a pain it is canceling credit cards. However, I was surprised that with two of the three that I had canceled, the replacements arrived in 6 days. And my Medicare Supplement I.D. card arrived in five days! That leaves only the Medicare… Read more »
With out of town guests coming in later this week I decided to do a sure-enough floor cleaning in the kitchen and laundry hallway. Moved all the moveable furniture out and all of the stored items from that hallway.
I’ll be paying the price tomorrow.
Started on the vacuuming, but retreated to fight that another day.
From the lost episodes of Star Trek.
Todays Love Hate
I love baseball
I hate ESPN
I’ve returned from church, braving the single crutch option so I could hold an umbrella if needed. I got home before the rain, so good there. Took a tour of the garden, and got rid of a couple of gnarly caterpillars that have obviously been hiding from me for a while. Tomatillos are blooming like crazy, but that doesn’t mean fruit will follow. I have some tomatoes growing, which has me somewhat excited. Collected a handful of green beans. My asparagus beans are climbing madly, but not blooming yet. My ginger is finally poking leaves to the surface. Slackers. Then… Read more »
Our latest entry for crazy sporting events comes from New Zealand.
The Chundy Hundy. A motorcycle race in which the two-person teams must consume 12 beers per person.
OK this is too cool; Carol Burnett water sking at Cypress Gardens 1960s.
I loved Cypress Gardens but when Dick Pope Jr was the hero there. Oh and Banana Man, George Blair. To bad it’s gone now.
In the vast annals of “things so obvious you’d have to be blind to miss them” is the idea people would swarm to fuel stops with pristine spacious restrooms and immaculately clean, bright stores.
Just think, if somebody did that, they could get rich.
Any idea what bird this is? We get lots of those stupid doves and others, but this is a new one. Quality sux, but it was best I could do with iPhone without scaring him.
Tip of the day
If you see a good bathroom on your travels, use it! You will never be sorry you did.
Shannon and Texpat back in the day.
Mosab Yousef is a Palestinian ex-miliant who defected to Israel in 1997 and worked undercover for Israeli Intelligence for ten years until he moved to the U.S. His work saved countless lives. His father was co-founder of Hamas.
Here, he is interviewed by Jordan Peterson.
This right here is the kind of useful knowledge you can find nowhere else.
The great Roger Scruton would have been 80 this past February 27th, and to commemorate the event, Jash Dolani, a poster on X, put up a list of 11 Scruton quotes, which I repost below: 1. Scruton on the fundamental right-wing impulse: “Conservatism starts from the sentiment that good things are easily destroyed, but not easily created.” 2. The hypocrisy of liberals: “Liberty is not the same thing as equality, and that those who call themselves liberals are far more interested in equalizing than in liberating their fellows.” 3. Scruton on when to ignore a writer: “A writer who says that there… Read more »
This is creepy as hell. Between 2018 and the spring of 2023, a cluster of clients who had gotten “vampire facial” microneedling skin treatments at a New Mexico spa were diagnosed with HIV, probably via poorly cleaned instruments, a new report finds.When HIV arises among people without known risk factors, doctors “might consider cosmetic injection services as a route of HIV transmission,” wrote a team led by researcher Anna Stadelman-Behar, of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. and, Between 2018 and the spring of 2023, three other of the spa’s female clients with no prior HIV risk factors also tested… Read more »
Thinking about him this morning. I sure do miss TexMo.
WASHINGTON, D.C. — Dr. Anthony Fauci has come out as a major supporter of Governor Kristi Noem after learning that she, too, is a puppy murderer.“I’m a huge fan of Kristi Noem’s work,” said Dr. Fauci. “Mostly just the putting bullets in puppies’ brains part, but still – big, big supporter.”According to sources, Dr. Fauci purchased several copies of Noem’s book where she describes killing a puppy and has read it on repeat ever since. “Fauci made that part of her audiobook his voicemail prompt,” said former colleague Dr. Ben Schroeder. “It’s a little creepy, but you know Fauci. The… Read more »
This is the way 1968 ends….
From Texpat’s @ 1041 AM Saturday
And yes I edited it. Oh and if you missed it you need to check it out.
OK this post is going to be two parts and I hope I can make my point so it’s understood. On the Five the other day they were talking about Biden’s interview with Howard Stern and his remark about debating Trump, then out of the blue, Richard Fowler made a comment about something Biden said about losing his wife and daughter and him contemplating suicide. This had something to do with mental illness and that it was good and brave that Biden mentioned this. WIH?! Where did this come from?! Well I just found out and the answer is easy,… Read more »
Mornin’ Gang
Good Night All
I finished my crow. Read my reply to your reply on the dog
Yes! you have progress in finding walking in a way that works for you at this stage post-op. You don’t have to run a marathon now or at anytime. 🙂
And a big challenge at first is getting out of bed or getting up from sitting. The down part always comes easier than the up part. Gravity is your friend for going down but gets grumpy on the going up side. It will get easier.
I haven’t posted this recipe in years and now I realize the recipe is in the wind. I’ve made this since the mid-1980s, but it has been a awhile and I’m doing it from memory. It’s a warm weather dish I made for gatherings and parties. Cilantro Rice Salad 2 cups uncooked brown rice (I prefer Texmati)(this yields 6 cups cooked) 3/4 cup chopped red bell pepper 3/4 cup chopped orange bell pepper 1/2 cup chopped green bell pepper I cup chopped green onions 1/2 cup chopped cilantro 1/4 cup fresh squeezed lime juice 1/3 cup olive oil cracked black… Read more »
I’ve spent all afternoon watching yutoob videos on database design and development. I’m finally getting Father’s project started, but dang, I have forgotten a lot over the past mmph years.
Well, with a little help from Squawk, I managed to get the Chicken Rice-a-Roni casserole into the oven…
I hear that Biden is attending the White House Correspondents Dinner tonight so I guess they’ll have to get out the industrial strength Depend Diapers. I wonder who’ll be the unlucky bastard that gets to change him. 🙁
Not another post in 4 hours?
i got my 5 mile walk/run in, did my honey dooze and got some items at the store for the wife since I last posted.
this place really is becoming a nap fest for slackers.
you better start thinking about bringing sarge back to liven things up or hanging a for sale on it Jersey Boss Man Stan.
You want to know why we can’t have a nice country anymore ? Because we elect deranged fools like Joe Biden who’s we? You have a hamster in your pocket? the election was stolen and the wooden dummy was installed like a scarecrow in the cornfield by the joined@thehiparty endless foreign wars-warmonger-blood money suckers machine and the spyducks. you know the ones that tax you to death, serial abuse you and are actively working to replace you. anyone see that trainload of illegals coming into El Paso? All young military aged men and I couldn’t spot one woman in the… Read more »
Are you kidding me
Trump VP contender Kristi Noem writes of killing dog – and goat – in new book. She shot her dog IN THE FACE
we’ra having rice-a-roni casserole… I may have to enlist help for cooking the rice-a-roni but after that, the casserole goes together fast and flavorful
Population explosion, salt water style.
Fulton County Jail shakedown reveals a frightening inventory of weapons. Drones are involved in all of the contraband.
I was pondering what to fix for dinner tonight, then I remembered I have a big piece of brisket in the freezer. It’s thawing out now. I usually fix my ropa vieja in a crock pot, but I may do it in my pressure cooker since I’m starting so late. Or I could fix it for dinner tomorrow and do something else for tonight…. hmmmmmmmmm……….
I hope O’Keefe has really good security.
Texpat: that rabbi story is absolutely mind blowing.
With all the wind we’ve been getting for the past three days, I’m wondering how severe our storms are going to be this weekend.
I found some Youtube tutorials on using the LibreOffice database and spent several hours refreshing myself on skills last night. I guess I might be able to tackle the church project after all.
If you’ve never heard of Linda Goldstein, Chief Rabbi of Gaza, you really need to check this out. It made my day. Remember the congressman who pulled the fire alarm to prevent a vote on the floor of the House ?Rep. Jamaal Bowman and his campaign were duped by the parody social-media account of the fake “Chief Rabbi of Gaza.” The phony X account of “Rabbi Linda Goldstein” is infamous for spouting anti-Zionist vitriol to ensnare unsuspecting progressives unaware that it is satirical. The rabbi messaged Bowman about sponsoring a fundraiser for his Democratic primary campaign. and she caught this progressive moron running for… Read more »
Tip of the day:
If you are not prepared to accept severe limitations on your movements and behavior, you should not go to North Korea.
Good Morning Hamsters,
Ugh, up to 78 already after the overnight of 74. Humidity is with us again today, actually it never left last night. The Muggies have moved in. We must ask our Canadian friends to send us some cooler temps while they still have some to spare, and please skip the high humidity.
BTW; I went to Our Place last night and got 2 whole fried catfish, slaw, fries N hush puppies. Good eating for sure and I hated going by myself but the 40 something waitress was flirting with me. 😉
Spotted over yonder, A trueism.
Spotted over yonder and down right interesting. Also a good idea from the TPW/MITU.
We are being governed by people who were “educated ” by professors that absolutely hate the Capitalistic USA. Is it really such a mental stretch to understand why the left wants to destroy us? It is all that they have been taught, it is all that they know.
You want to know why we can’t have a nice country anymore ? Because we elect deranged fools like Joe Biden who appoint dumb people like Bill Nelson to run critical agencies like NASA. “What do you think the Chinese are trying to get at, at the back side of the moon?” Rep. David Trone (D-MD) asked Nelson at a congressional hearing last week.“They are going to have a lander on the far side of the moon, which is the side which is always in dark. Uh, we’re not planning to go there,” he said.Trone followed up by asking, “And… Read more »