Tag: Wisconsin

  • Thursday Recall Open Comments

    The Wisconsin recall vote has become ground zero in the war of the Unions vs. The People. First, the governor and the legislature make changes in order to save the state from bankruptcy, which makes the unions angry because they have to, you know, make SACRIFICES. Of course, being union disqualifies you from having to…

  • Thursday Union-Busting Open Comments

    The Republican State Senators in Wisconsin finally grew weary of the Democrats’ stalling and running off and hiding. They stripped the non-fiscal items from the bill they were considering and from which the Democrats were hiding. They then came up with a quick compromise with the Republican House, unified the bills, and passed legislation stripping…

  • Tuesday Unions Fighting The Man Open Comments

    It looks like the longer the nonsense in Wisconsin goes on, the more the unions will ultimately lose, whether in Wisconsin or elsewhere. The shrillness, the angst, the sheer overreaction displayed by the unions have confirmed what those of a conservative mindset knew all along. It turned off most of the Vast Undecided Middle Ground…