Tag: welfare

  • Thursday Open Comments

    How progressives’ grand plans for subsidized housing have harmed African Americans I’ve often thought the harm our welfare programs to our society.  We are called to help those in need, but these programs that are designed to support people for decades instead of weaning them off the public teat have not only created a dependent…

  • Thursday Papal Open Comments

    The current Pope certainly got Rush’s panties all in a wad recently. As I listened to Rush, I had a strong, strong feeling that he was seriously misinterpreting what the Pope had said. Fr. John Trugilio at the Ucatholic website has come out with an article on this Pope v. Rush controversy: I often listen…

  • Wednesday Open Comments

    Terry Paulson has an interesting article on the RightNetwork. It is chock full of wisdom of our fathers, quotes to make you think: Reading this article, I was amazed and dismayed by how far we have diverged from the path which our Founding Fathers had planned for us. The opening paragraph is shocking not for…