Tag: voter fraud

  • Weekend Voter Fraud Open Comments

    Well, this might interfere with Hillary’s voting totals. Pennsylvania state police have raided two offices of a voter registration group, just as the election approaches in what could be a crucial state. Police raided the Philadelphia office of FieldWorks LLC’s office on Thursday after raiding another office in Delaware County, Pa., just days earlier. /snip…

  • Thursday Recall Open Comments

    The Wisconsin recall vote has become ground zero in the war of the Unions vs. The People. First, the governor and the legislature make changes in order to save the state from bankruptcy, which makes the unions angry because they have to, you know, make SACRIFICES. Of course, being union disqualifies you from having to…

  • Voter Fraud – Again

    Voter fraud in North Carolina? (From the Sun Journal)  (not a Right Haven source, we’re safe) Sam Laughinghouse of New Bern said he pushed the button to vote Republican in all races, but the voting machine screen displayed a ballot with all Democrats checked. He cleared the screen and tried again with the same result,…