Tag: union

  • Wednesday “Fat Cat” Open Comments

    I’d say “UNBELIEVABLE!!” except that we’re talking unions here. Two hours a day of work – maybe. Catered lunches for “business” reasons. Cat naps at work. And for those of us who own cats, we know how long that can be. And he whines justifies his behavior: Rosenthal asserted to the Post that he works…

  • Thursday “Shovel Ready” Open Comments

    O’Keefe and Project Veritas has struck again. In the video, he describes a company that literally digs holes and fills them in again. As he jokes with the union leaders telling him how to get money for this “shovel ready” work, he allows them to expose how they rip off the taxpayer, all in the…

  • Tuesday April 12th Open Comments

    April 12th. Lots of big stuff has happened on April 12th. April 12, 1861 – Confederate forces opened fire on Fort Sumter, starting the US Civil War. After many hours of heavy bombardment and with minimal casualties, France Union forces surrendered. April 12, 1961 – Yuri Gagarin became the first man in space, orbiting the…