Tag: Thanksgiving

  • Thanksgiving Open Comments

    Things I am thankful for: I have a loving and forgiving Lord and Savior. Especially the forgiving part. Because….me. We live in a country that, some obvious setbacks, is still the best dang country to live in. I have a husband who loves me. I have family members that are loving and supportive. And friendly.…

  • Turkey Day Open Comments

    Before: After: Happy Thanksgiving to all! Things I am thankful for (in no particular order): God – For life and salvation, a future of hope Husband – he ain’t perfect, but he loves me and does what he can to care for me Family – even those that bug the ever-loving crap out of me…

  • Post Prandial Weekend Open Comments

    Well, while the turkey may be around for a while longer, I’m sure the pies and cakes have disappeared by now. The family has gone home, some to disappear into screaming mobs of shoppers, and others to watch football, and yet others who are waiting for the crowds to die down. Personally, I did some…