Tag: teenagers

  • Friday Open Comments

    This week’s faith formation class that I taught was a required “safe environment” program for my students. The Catholic Church is making sure that not only are adults trained on what to watch for as far as sexual predation goes, but we are now teaching the students what behaviors to notice and avoid, and what…

  • Weekend Driving Test Open Comments

    I was going over some old files, and came across something I used when I was teaching Lovely Daughter how to drive. It was a driving test, designed to test her ability to read maps, plan trips, and handle potentially dangerous driving conditions. Keep in mind that Lovely was hoping to attend Texas A&M at…

  • Monday “Late Again” Open Comments

    I was up late last night – until 1:30 to be exact – writing responses to my faith formation students’ letters that they wrote last week.  This is the first year that I have done this, but I want to send a letter of encouragement home with them this summer.  It’s a lot of work,…