Tag: strength

  • Thursday “Best Speech” Open Comments

    Why, oh why, couldn’t we have heard this speech from Romney during the campaign? Love that Bill Whittle! /added embed – hamous

  • Wednesday TF Open Comments

    There were a lot of comments about testicular items last night, Ft. Sill gate notwithstanding, so I thought today would be a potpourri on testicular fortitude: This was rather disappointing. I mean, to have a website name “Fortress of Testicular Fortitude” and then…that?! I can see why they are no longer blogging at that site.…

  • Weekend Girlie Sports Open Comments

    For all those men out there – go straight to the comments. You won’t appreciate this topic at all. These sports don’t involve in-your-face brutal athleticism, like artistic gymnastics with its emphasis on tumbling and strength, or other sports like swimming, wrestling, etc. These sports have elements of strength and flexibility and ability, like artistic…