Tag: Space

  • Weekend Open Comments

    Via NASA Behold the Pillars of Creation as photographed by the new, enormous James Webb Space Telescope. We have seen this image before from the Hubble Telescope, but nothing like this clarity and resolution. ” In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.   And the earth was without form, and void; and…

  • Friday Lutherans in Space Open Comments

    The Lutherans really get around. They’ve apparently made it to a location 13.04 billion light-years away in deep space. Of course, that would imply that they were also around 13.04 billion years ago. I may need to rethink my premises… Kaboom!

  • Tuesday April 12th Open Comments

    April 12th. Lots of big stuff has happened on April 12th. April 12, 1861 – Confederate forces opened fire on Fort Sumter, starting the US Civil War. After many hours of heavy bombardment and with minimal casualties, France Union forces surrendered. April 12, 1961 – Yuri Gagarin became the first man in space, orbiting the…