Tag: socialism

  • Monday “It is Everywhere” Open Comments

    This is so true! The author of this article laughs at the “counter cultural” eco whack jobs who think they are “sticking it to the man” by eschewing the eeeevil capitalist corporations who provide our food, and who put on airs of socialist elitism by buying their food from a local food coop: if we…

  • Tuesday Cow Mentality Open Comments

    It seems the EU plans to train its populace to no longer become individuals, but to meld into one big herd, willing to be shepherded and corralled and controlled in the name of the world’s biggest hoax: Siim Kallas, the EU transport commission, insisted that Brussels directives and new taxation of fuel would be used…

  • Tuesday Open Comments

    I saw this interview on Breitbart’s BigGovernment site.  While this young man seems personable enough, his description of what he wants at work both gave me the shivers and brought me to high dudgeon:  he works at a restaurant chain called “Noodles,” and he feels “restricted” at work, not free.   Poor baby, he is told…