Tag: Romney

  • Thursday “Best Speech” Open Comments

    Why, oh why, couldn’t we have heard this speech from Romney during the campaign? Love that Bill Whittle! /added embed – hamous

  • Wednesday Debate Aftermath Open Comments

    Last night’s debate was much more lively than the previous one. Obama took the criticism of his previous debate performance to heart. Some of the questions were obviously planted. In this age of joblessness, are we really going to bring up the supposed inequality of women’s wages? I haven’t heard any “concerns” about that in,…

  • Friday RNC Hangover Comments

    Sorry to be late – I realized after Romney’s speech last night that I had to finish payroll for today. The computer was acting funny, so I had to reboot it – twice – before I could get payroll finished. Just as I was about to go to bed, I realized that the trash had…