Tag: Republicans

  • Thursday Morgan Freeman Open LetterComments

    A friend of mine sent me an email with a link to this open letter to Morgan Freeman, regarding his racism charges against the Tea Party. Excerpts: I also understand that your reflexive comments came from experience. You grew up in a different America than the one that I was blessed to be born into.…

  • Weekend Open Comments

    I guess there’s no media bias: Chicago, August 11, 2011 – This week U.S. Senator Dick Durbin held a press conference with members of the mainstream media to talk about the downgrade crisis. But the Senator’s scripted storyline veered off-course when a conservative reporter – me – showed up to ask an embarrassing question. Namely,…

  • Open Comments Hold Onto Your Wallets Edition

    Congress is back in session. The Tea Party candidates are supposed to be a force to be reckoned with. The Republicans promise to change from the “change”. Dare we hope? Will they or won’t they?