Tag: politics
Open Comments – Lame Duck or Sitting Duck?
I don’t know if Wagonburner will be beating me to the punch again this morning, but I’ve been listening to the radio this morning…. The “lame duck” Congress begins sitting this afternoon. Questions that flow through my fertile mind: 1) What are they sitting on? 2) What eggs will they try to lay before we…
Cut Spending Now, While There is Still a Mandate
Now that the Republicans have won control of the House of Representatives, where all spending must originate, we have an excellent opportunity for serious spending reduction. Our friends at Cato posted a list of different spending plans that reduce spending by between $120 and $476 billion per year. The plan by the National Taxpayers Union…
Wednesday Open Comments
Well, it’s late and I’m tired and can’t come up with much right now. I have recently been watching the TV series “Lie to Me”. I had caught only an isolated episode or two before, but I am now catching up through the miracle of the internet. I began to wonder what life would…