Tag: politics

  • Tuesday “Composting Equine” Open Comments

    Shortly before I signed off Monday night, I brought up the fact that certain arguments here have been hashed, rehashed, refried, then reborn to be rehashed again.  What is it in us that makes us go over the same things over and over?  A desire to be deemed “right”?  Our inability to accept that some…

  • Friday Open Comments

    Well, Boehner is the new Speaker of the House.  Pelosi has been relegated to minority status, temporarily if we are to believe her Democrat friends in Congress.  In my opinion, she must have dossiers on a lot of them, for them to continue to support her. A partial transcript of Boehner’s comments: “…We gather here…

  • Wednesday Let the Madness Begin Edition

    Theeeeeeeyyy’rreee baaaa-aaaaccckkk! Are we ready for the new Congress? Any bets on how long before Obama mentions (1)Booooosh, (2) ditches, (3) Slurpees, or (4) “we must focus on jobs, quit looking at health care” ?