Tag: Philosophy

  • Open Comments

    Something to think about as you go about your week: Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish on its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing it is stupid. – A. Einstein It is a little more profound than the usual ” I need a man like…

  • Thursday Free Will Or Deterministic Open Comments

    Does Free Will actually exist? If not, then are we truly responsible for our actions? If it does, then how does that square with classic Newtonian physics, where all the matter in the Universe is governed by very simple forces and interactions? How about all you armchair amateur philosophers discuss three questions and see where…

  • Friday Evolutionary Creation Open Comments

    In 2007, the University of Kentucky passed over a candidate for director of its observatory and hired a much less qualified applicant. According to emails and other evidence gathered in the resulting lawsuit, the reason he was passed over was his religious views. You see, C. Martin Gaskell is a Christian. Not only that, but…