Tag: Pelosi

  • Tuesday Open Comments

    Daleks. It wasn’t too long ago that I had no idea what a Dalek was. Now that I’m working through the Dr. Who episodes (and enjoying them thoroughly), I tend to see Daleks all over the place. They pop up in the weirdest places on the ‘net. Like this Snoopy Dalek. Who’d’a thunk it? (BTW…

  • Friday Open Comments

    Well, Boehner is the new Speaker of the House.  Pelosi has been relegated to minority status, temporarily if we are to believe her Democrat friends in Congress.  In my opinion, she must have dossiers on a lot of them, for them to continue to support her. A partial transcript of Boehner’s comments: “…We gather here…

  • Open Comments – Lame Duck or Sitting Duck?

    I don’t know if Wagonburner will be beating me to the punch again this morning, but I’ve been listening to the radio this morning…. The “lame duck” Congress begins sitting this afternoon. Questions that flow through my fertile mind: 1) What are they sitting on? 2) What eggs will they try to lay before we…