Tag: Passion Fingers

  • Friday Dude, Where’s My Recovery? Open Comments

    One year ago today, President Passion Fingers and his faithful minion Joe “Hair Plugs” Biden announced Recovery Summer to great fanfare. One year and a trillion dollars later, has anything substantial actually changed? Other than our debt?

  • Weekend Levantine Turmoil Open Comments

    Benjamin Netanyahu calmly tells President Obama exactly how the cow ate the cabbage: h/t: Jihad Watch From our friends at Wikipedia: Benjamin Netanyahu A graduate of MIT and Harvard, Netanyahu is the first and only Israeli prime minister born in Israel after the State of Israel’s foundation. Netanyahu joined the Israeli Defense Forces in 1967…

  • Tuesday Florida Follies Open Comments

    Time to once again celebrate the hangy-downy state, the land of the Gators, the spawning ground of the wild hamousians. First up, we have Mr. Jeffrey Eugene Alan “Hard as Life” Southwell, 38, of Gainesville. Our protagonist has been arrested for attempted murder of his girlfriend. That is not the noteworthy part. It seems that…