Tag: Open comments

  • Wednesday Open Comments: Chicken or the Egg Liberalism?

    Dennis Prager has an article  in the National Review Online about unhappy people and liberalism. From my perspective, I think he is right in making the observation that liberals tend to be angry, unhappy, or both. Being a victim tends to make one see the world through a bitter lens. Look at Al Sharpton, for…

  • Monday Pre-Thanksgiving Open Comments

    Okay, opening a thread. What preparations are underway for Turkey Day? What are you thankful for? Have you started your Christmas shopping yet? Will you be taking a cigarette after passing through the TSA screening?

  • The Last Obama Lover

    In one word, yes. Am I the last person in America who loves Obama? At this point, I love Obama so much that I recently thought if it were 1961, I’d probably display a bust of him in my living room. Then I realized I’m already displaying the 2010 equivalent: On my living room wall,…