Tag: Open comments

  • New Comment System & O.C.

    Okay we have a new commenting system.  There are a lot of new toys in here.  I do not delude myself, not everyone will be happy with the settings I have installed.  All I can do is find a happy medium.  Following is a list of things you are going to discover. You no longer…

  • Monday “Bring on the Rain” Open Comments

    It seems that we’re finally getting a reasonable chance of some of the wet stuff falling from the sky. It’ll take more than one rain – or one week of rain – to catch us up, but I’m not taking any chances. And I hope to find this. And not this. Be glad I didn’t…

  • Monday “Late Again” Open Comments

    I was up late last night – until 1:30 to be exact – writing responses to my faith formation students’ letters that they wrote last week.  This is the first year that I have done this, but I want to send a letter of encouragement home with them this summer.  It’s a lot of work,…