Tag: mental illness

  • Thursday Open Comments

    Daily Wire reports a story about the “affirming transgenderism is a good idea” being a bunch of hooey. To summarize part of the story, the study that most pro-trans people depend on is a Dutch study – an environment where there is strict screening for those receiving the surgeries. They have to be adults, mentally…

  • Tuesday Transdemic Open Comments

    The Transdemic: Gender Clinics, Big Money, and Identity Madness “A transition is never done…You can never carve away enough pieces of yourself to be satisfied. You can never rid yourself of the fundamental facts of your own biology. You can never be cleansed of sin. The end goal of transition isn’t self-actualization. It’s self-annihilation.” –Tree…

  • The Wussification of America and Open Comments

    Found this article on the climate found on many a college campus these days. Some interesting food for thought: Something strange is happening at America’s colleges and universities. A movement is arising, undirected and driven largely by students, to scrub campuses clean of words, ideas, and subjects that might cause discomfort or give offense…In June,…