Tag: media

  • Weekend Open Comments

    I guess there’s no media bias: Chicago, August 11, 2011 – This week U.S. Senator Dick Durbin held a press conference with members of the mainstream media to talk about the downgrade crisis. But the Senator’s scripted storyline veered off-course when a conservative reporter – me – showed up to ask an embarrassing question. Namely,…

  • Monday Open Comments

    I only caught pieces of Amanpour’s performance on Sunday morning. One of the topics was the Murdoch scandal. What I found astounding was an offshoot question of the Murdoch scandal, about 6:45 into the clip. The discussion was the coziness of lawmakers with Murdoch, for fear of his media backlash or reprisals. Amanpour then began…

  • Monday “Where ARE You!?” Open Comments

    I meant to check last night to see if an OC thread had been set up for this morning…but I was actually making progress on my paperwork and didn’t want to stop my momentum. I hear TBO will be sounding somewhat Republican at his State of the Union Speech tomorrow night. This begs a few…