Tag: LST

  • no-Brew-Ha-Ha Postmortem

    The weather could NOT have been more perfect! I was a few minutes later than I had planned, but still the first. I was unpacking all my stuff (my husband asked if he should pack the kitchen sink as well as we were loading the car) when Adee drove up. By ones and twos the…


    Don’t forget our Lone Star Times Memorial Picnic and no-Brew-ha-ha on Sunday, October 17th! It will be at BEAR CREEK PARK . I will try to be there by noon. The “Bring It” page is here Of course, some of the entries are more editorial than helpful. I found that some of our “favorite” LSTers…

  • LST Memorial (no)Brew-ha-ha Update

    Well, the votes are in, and it seems that October 17th works best for the group. I am, therefore, proclaiming October 17th the new date for our get-together to commiserate over the painful shuttering of our previous home. Since there are precious few entries in the “Bring Stuff” page, if it doesn’t fill this will…