Tag: liberals

  • Tuesday Open Comments

    Daleks. It wasn’t too long ago that I had no idea what a Dalek was. Now that I’m working through the Dr. Who episodes (and enjoying them thoroughly), I tend to see Daleks all over the place. They pop up in the weirdest places on the ‘net. Like this Snoopy Dalek. Who’d’a thunk it? (BTW…

  • Monday Tuesday Open Comments

    Here’s an interesting article on the so-called free press from Breitbart’s BigJournalism.com: There are those at work today who would like the government to nationalize the news media much like they did the banks and auto industry. They base their ideas on the oft referred to “crisis in journalism” happening with the demise of many…

  • Thursday Open Comments

    I wasn’t feeling well last night, so I didn’t prepare ahead. So sorry. I’m such a slacker! On the topic, “The Buck Sure as Heck Doesn’t Stop Here,” we have this little gem. And then there’s the “Pot/Kettle Diatribe” here. And the “I don’t Give TIME my Time Anymore” reason #158. That should be enough…