Tag: liberalism

  • Thursday Open Comments

    Daily Wire reports a story about the “affirming transgenderism is a good idea” being a bunch of hooey. To summarize part of the story, the study that most pro-trans people depend on is a Dutch study – an environment where there is strict screening for those receiving the surgeries. They have to be adults, mentally…

  • Monday Debating Liberals Open Comments

    If you can spare an hour or so to watch the whole thing, please do so. The last half is Q&A:

  • Tuesday Codependent Open Comments

    I just recently finished the book Living Successfully with Screwed-Up People. I am about to begin my second read. It basically teaches mental health – how not to allow yourself to be sucked emotionally into other people’s behavior. Some people might define this as codependency. As I went through the last chapter, I had a…