Tag: Labor Day

  • Labor Day Weekend Open Comments

    Here it is! Labor Day Weekend! Where we who labor get to rest for a day. From Wikipedia: Labor Day is an American federal holiday observed on the first Monday in September (September 3 in 2012) that celebrates the economic and social contributions of workers. Labor Day pays tribute to the contributions and achievements of…

  • Post-Labor Day Weekend Open Comments

    (bumped from Labor Day Weekend due to conflict) Labor Day Weekend! Three days off in a row, to honor those who labor and make our economy work. Perhaps the greatest celebration of the working man can be found here in this sample of “Dirty Jobs”: You wouldn’t think that a man who makes his living…

  • Weekend Labor Day Open Comments

    Are you people having a good Labor Day weekend? Tomorrow is May Day, when workers around the world celebrate their workerhood. Buncha slackers. It’s also become a day for protesting and agitating for more “rights” for workers, as if being able to just up and quit and go find a better job isn’t good enough…