Tag: Jews

  • Wednesday Doin’s At The UN Open Comments

    What would we do without the UN? Just this week we find that august body of thought and deliberation on the shores of Turtle Bay in beautiful New York City is readying itself to look out for the least among us. Bolivia will this month table a draft United Nations treaty giving “Mother Earth” the…

  • Weekend Racing Open Comments

    There have been some interesting stories about racing in various forms recently. First up, the sport of kings: Dubai: Godolphin work mates Saeed Bin Surour and Mahmoud Al Zarouni are set to take on some of the best trainers on the planet as they bid to win today’s $10 million (Dh36.7 million) Dubai World Cup…

  • Friday Jews In Space Open Comments

    You gotta hand it to the Israelis. They have that indomitable spirit that yearns to see new things and make discoveries wherever that may be. If Yariv Bash, Kfir Damari and Yonatan Winetraub succeed and send a robot to the moon, they’ll donate their millions in prize money to promote science among Israel youth. Yesterday…