Tag: imagination

  • Lazy Summers Open Comments

    Great article on why unstructured summers are so good for kids. Because honestly, we’re tired. Because we foolishly think by doing more, by going and going, and going, by throwing our kids into everything everywhere this summer and answering “We’ve been really busy!” to the question, “How has your summer been?” makes us a better…

  • Monday Risky Open Comments

    Well, who’d’a thunk it? Letting kids be kids is good for them! Ripping up the playground rulebook is having incredible effects on children at an Auckland school. Chaos may reign at Swanson Primary School with children climbing trees, riding skateboards and playing bullrush during playtime, but surprisingly the students don’t cause bedlam, the principal says.…

  • Weekend “Gather ’em Up” Open Comments

    I have a memory from about my tenth year or so, standing in our backyard with a few of my siblings, watching several “V”s of geese flying overhead. I remember the sun was setting, and the sky was that dark blue that signals that the stars will be arriving soon. We still had enough time…