Tag: Hope

  • Tuesday Open Comments

    Worked very late last night. Had to wrap wrist again this morning. I’m opening the door, come on in. Topic for discussion – can young children be labeled psychopaths? Scary. Darn scary.

  • Tuesday He’s Running Again Open Comments

    Hopefully, this represents the beginning of the end. Now, get out there and energize yourselves! Obama’s got a job, so he can’t be out there energizing you people, so move it! His supporterette doesn’t get into how going on vacation must be part of his job, since he spends so much time doing that. How…

  • Friday Open Comments

    Well, Boehner is the new Speaker of the House.  Pelosi has been relegated to minority status, temporarily if we are to believe her Democrat friends in Congress.  In my opinion, she must have dossiers on a lot of them, for them to continue to support her. A partial transcript of Boehner’s comments: “…We gather here…