Tag: free speech

  • Weekend Free Speech? Open Comments

    The Slippery Slope to Tyranny: How Free Speech Is Under Siege The recent declaration by London’s Metropolitan Police Chief Sir Mark Rowley, threatening both British and American citizens for merely commenting on the riots in England, is not just an abuse of power — it is an alarming assault on one of the most fundamental…

  • Friday Open Comments

    New York hit with lawsuit over new law targeting ‘hateful’ speech online A new law takes effect on Saturday in New York that supposedly targets hateful speech online. But it may not last long, because the state just got hit with a First Amendment lawsuit that could bring about the demise of its new regulation. The law in question…

  • Tuesday Free Speech Open Comments

    Straight from BigHollywood.com: My Dear Friends, In light of, once again, the current crisis in regards to selective Free Speech – I wish to bring your attention to an article I wrote back in 2009. I do not care what your politics are, but the issue of Free Speech is as important as Women, Gay…