Tag: food

  • Monday “Happy” Food Open Comments

    For all of those states who have now legalized gay marriages, I can see these foods at the receptions. I remember when being happy and gay was a good thing for any person to be. And when someone was queer, it meant a little (or a lot) eccentric. Now I can’t even look at some…

  • Monday Superbowl Hangover Open Comments

    The national worship event known as the Super Bowl has come and gone.  Nail biting moments were had, as well as large portions of barbecue, beverages (some adult), and multitudes of snacks, most of them not terribly healthy. Today we face the hangover and the clean up, and we now turn back to the politics…

  • Monday Iowa Open Comments

    Well, the Iowans are gearing up for their caucus activities. Let’s take a look at the state that will fling down the first official gauntlets in this Republican primary race: Iowa has an area of 56,276 square miles, making it the 26th largest state in the country. It’s population, as of the year 2010, was…