Tag: elitist snobs

  • Monday Miasma Open Comments

    Maureen Dowd has the Clintons pegged: On the heels of the exposé on waste and abuse of funds endemic in Bill and Hillary Clinton’s charity organization, New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd writes the former first couple are needy, think too much of themselves, and imagine they are “entitled to everyone’s money.” /snip Dowd doesn’t…

  • Friday Smackdown Open Comments

    Love Newt Gingrich or not, you gotta love how he refuses to let the media define him, lead him, or push him around. http://youtu.be/qtkSFGkjaXU http://youtu.be/OVml1MQwKMs http://youtu.be/KxQTp07KS_k And the most recently smackdown: When it comes to handling the media, you gotta admit – Newt has the biggest pair we’ve seen in a loooonnnnngggg time. It kinda…