Tag: Egypt

  • Friday Mushroom Open Comments

    Ever heard that phrase “I feel like a mushroom – I’m kept in the dark and people keep throwing (Word I Shouldn’t Say) on me?” Let’s see what the Main Stream News is doing to shed sunlight on certain topics: Obama’s “Transparency”:  Let’s see…the visitor logs to the White House have been made public, but…

  • Friday Smart Diplomacy Open Comments

    Watching the events unfold in Egypt the past couple of weeks have made it patently obvious to even the most casual of observers that foreign policy under the Obama Administration can most charitably be described as hapless. CIA Chief Leon Panetta said Mubarek would most likely be stepping down. DNI Gen. James Clapper said the…

  • Thursday Egyptian Open Comments

    I ran across a very interesting article at The American Thinker about the recent events in Egypt. It was written by an Egyptian student and gives an entirely different perspective on things. One week ago, Egypt was a stable authoritarian regime, prospects of change were minimal and every expert in Washington would have betted on…