Tag: economics

  • Friday Open Comments

    Roth: Canceling student debt doesn’t fix the problem The US government is the largest predatory lender in the country and must get out of student lending The government, particularly at the federal level, has morphed from a protector of individual rights to a bizarre game show. It is consistently giving away cash and prizes to…

  • Friday Friedman Open Comments

    Love Uncle Miltie. He speaks well enough for himself. On do-gooders: On greed: On collectivism: Too many millionaires: That should just about get you started.

  • Thursday Sowell Open Comments

    I found this interview, and I must admit that Thomas Sowell is probably one of the most intelligent men that I’ve ever seen. I think we’ve found an articulate, clean black man. And this one is intelligent, too! Even though he was a Marxist for years (which I didn’t know and I found quite surprising),…