Tag: Drugs

  • Thursday Delusional Open Comments

    First up, Sebelius states the Obamacare website never crashed. I see – the error message really means “you’re too wissing stupid to manage your own health care.” FLOTUS thinks kids will prefer fruits and veggies to candy. Just imagine what will happen when we take our kids to the grocery store, and they see Elmo…

  • Wednesday Drug Cartel Open Comments

    The drug war is too costly, so we should just give up. As a condition of the retreat, [Mexico’s former foreign minister, Jorge] CastaƱeda said cartels need to get the message that they must crawl back into the underworld, and stop the kidnappings, extortion and mayhem that have rocked Mexico for five years. If they…

  • Ethical Dilemma

    A doctor who studies brain functions has an interesting problem related to his research (beyond the actual research itself). In his studies, he develops various chemicals, which he injects into rats in order to study how their brains process information and react to various stimuli. The ethical dilemma isn’t what he does to the rats…