Tag: Democrats

  • Weekend Open Comments

    I guess there’s no media bias: Chicago, August 11, 2011 – This week U.S. Senator Dick Durbin held a press conference with members of the mainstream media to talk about the downgrade crisis. But the Senator’s scripted storyline veered off-course when a conservative reporter – me – showed up to ask an embarrassing question. Namely,…

  • Open Comments – Lame Duck or Sitting Duck?

    I don’t know if Wagonburner will be beating me to the punch again this morning, but I’ve been listening to the radio this morning…. The “lame duck” Congress begins sitting this afternoon. Questions that flow through my fertile mind: 1) What are they sitting on? 2) What eggs will they try to lay before we…

  • Voter Fraud – Again

    Voter fraud in North Carolina? (From the Sun Journal)  (not a Right Haven source, we’re safe) Sam Laughinghouse of New Bern said he pushed the button to vote Republican in all races, but the voting machine screen displayed a ballot with all Democrats checked. He cleared the screen and tried again with the same result,…