Tag: debate

  • Monday Debating Liberals Open Comments

    If you can spare an hour or so to watch the whole thing, please do so. The last half is Q&A:

  • Wednesday Debate Aftermath Open Comments

    Last night’s debate was much more lively than the previous one. Obama took the criticism of his previous debate performance to heart. Some of the questions were obviously planted. In this age of joblessness, are we really going to bring up the supposed inequality of women’s wages? I haven’t heard any “concerns” about that in,…

  • Thursday Political Chicken Open Comments

    Well, Obama decided to make his “jobs” speech on September 7th. Boehner gently suggested that he delay the speech until the next night. “The House will not be in session until Wednesday, September 7, with votes at 6:30 that evening,” Boehner wrote in a three-paragraph retort. Boehner cited “the significant amount of time — typically…