Tag: death

  • Friday “Shake It Up” Open Comments

    First off, my prayers and hopeful wishes to the people in Japan, suffering from that massive earthquake.  May the death and destruction be as limited as possible, and their recovery swift and strong. My daughter and a group of her classmates were scheduled to leave for Japan this morning.  Needless to say, she is back…

  • Weekend Open Comments

    Well, it looks like we’ve made it through another disaster!  None of us have frozen to death, the world hasn’t come to an end (yet), and we have survived to live another day. Despite the warnings that certain death and destruction that was certain to be visited upon us. I don’t know about any of…

  • Denial of Mortality

    Okay, this conversation will be a bit of a downer, but I consider this my personal PSA for the group: we are all going to die. Not from man-made global warming. Not from the idiocy in D.C., though it may seem that way. Especially if I run out of tape with which to wrap my…