Tag: corruption

  • Thursday Open Comments

    Pfizer Plans To Profit From COVID For Years To Come Pfizer has already profited billions of dollars from the COVID-19 pandemic, and it plans to do so for years to come via annual vaccinations and sales of its antiviral pill Paxlovid. The company doubled its revenue from 2020 to 2021, bringing in more than $81…

  • Wednesday Still Missing Him Open Comments

    We’ll all still be commenting on Hammy’s passing, I’m sure. EDIT by Texpat.  Photos of Mark in our possession are few to none, but here is one. Given my very, very strong suspicions that his heart failure was caused by the “vaccine,” I was even more incensed to find this article at ChurchMilitant.com: POPE HELD…

  • Thursday “Shovel Ready” Open Comments

    O’Keefe and Project Veritas has struck again. In the video, he describes a company that literally digs holes and fills them in again. As he jokes with the union leaders telling him how to get money for this “shovel ready” work, he allows them to expose how they rip off the taxpayer, all in the…