Tag: Children

  • Friday Memories Open Comments

    I saw something that took me down memory lane. What are your favorite memories of raising your children? Some of mine: Pillow fights were quite common in our household. We had several a week, it seemed. While they were toddlers I had to be quite gentle, of course, and allow them to get some hits…

  • Monday Risky Open Comments

    Well, who’d’a thunk it? Letting kids be kids is good for them! Ripping up the playground rulebook is having incredible effects on children at an Auckland school. Chaos may reign at Swanson Primary School with children climbing trees, riding skateboards and playing bullrush during playtime, but surprisingly the students don’t cause bedlam, the principal says.…

  • Tuesday Open Comments

    Worked very late last night. Had to wrap wrist again this morning. I’m opening the door, come on in. Topic for discussion – can young children be labeled psychopaths? Scary. Darn scary.