Tag: cats

  • Friday Happiness Open Comments

    It’s Friday. Time for a light-hearted opening to the day. First, if you don’t at least smile when you see this, you are heartless and cold. Or blind, maybe you’re blind. And deaf. Blind and deaf. Here’s another one: And a compilation of happy moments: Such unabashed joy makes my soul smile. Yes, it does.…

  • Weekend Barf Kitty Open Comments

    You asked for it – a cat thread. Don’t curse me, just think about things before giving me a hard time again. 😉 This is Barf Kitty. This is one of the few pictures I have of her awake. Her real name is Miss Salem. Originally the name was going to be just “Salem,” but…

  • Wednesday Swingin’ Open Comments

    In my travels around the internet, I find some interesting things. I came across this site and thought “What a cool idea!” Of course, my back porch would have to be screened in, because anything with six legs seems to see me as lunch. Just looking at the beds relaxed me. It got me thinking…