Tag: Catholic

  • Wednesday Catholic Humor Open Comments

    Something light to start off the day! I referenced some of these a few days ago. I’m sorry, but for a Catholic, some of these references are absolutely hilarious. Before you view the videos, you’ll probably enjoy them if you know the following: – Recently, the Church updated its responses during mass to more closely…

  • Friday Personality Types Open Comments

    The first class I teach for my church each year has little to do with Catholic faith or doctrine. I usually don’t have my full roster of students yet, so I don’t want touch on the “hard stuff” until most of my class is in place. The first class is a brief study of personality…

  • Monday “Late Again” Open Comments

    I was up late last night – until 1:30 to be exact – writing responses to my faith formation students’ letters that they wrote last week.  This is the first year that I have done this, but I want to send a letter of encouragement home with them this summer.  It’s a lot of work,…