Tag: Catholic Church

  • Thursday Open Comments

    We have a new Pope! Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio of Argentina has taken the name Pope Francis for his pontificate. From what I hear, this is a man of service and humility. The new pope is known as a humble man who denied himself the luxuries that previous Buenos Aires cardinals enjoyed. He will also…

  • Wednesday “Winds of Change” Open Comments

    It never ceases to amaze me. Liberal news anchors who are not members of the Catholic Church seem to think that they have some kind of right to impose their opinions upon an institution. Why is it so important to them? Are they going to be denied the Eucharist? How can you be denied something…

  • Friday Mushroom Open Comments

    Ever heard that phrase “I feel like a mushroom – I’m kept in the dark and people keep throwing (Word I Shouldn’t Say) on me?” Let’s see what the Main Stream News is doing to shed sunlight on certain topics: Obama’s “Transparency”:  Let’s see…the visitor logs to the White House have been made public, but…