Tag: Breitbart

  • Monday Breitbart Open Commens

    Well, Texas ranks with London, as we both have our own Breitbart pages! For those Jose Straus haters, he gets an article. Shining Light On Texas House Speaker Joe Straus According to Texas conservatives, legislation brought forward by Democrats has fared better than GOP measures in the Texas House under Straus. Hal Hawkins, who runs…

  • Monday Debating Liberals Open Comments

    If you can spare an hour or so to watch the whole thing, please do so. The last half is Q&A:

  • Tuesday Open Comments

    I saw this interview on Breitbart’s BigGovernment site.  While this young man seems personable enough, his description of what he wants at work both gave me the shivers and brought me to high dudgeon:  he works at a restaurant chain called “Noodles,” and he feels “restricted” at work, not free.   Poor baby, he is told…