Tag: Boehner

  • Thursday Political Chicken Open Comments

    Well, Obama decided to make his “jobs” speech on September 7th. Boehner gently suggested that he delay the speech until the next night. “The House will not be in session until Wednesday, September 7, with votes at 6:30 that evening,” Boehner wrote in a three-paragraph retort. Boehner cited “the significant amount of time — typically…

  • Friday Pyrrhic Open Comments

    The debt ceiling vote in the House has been postponed because too many Republicans said they would not vote for it for one reason or another. Very few Democrats would have voted for it, so Boehner & Co. decided to hold off to try for more support. Whatever the result of that vote, the legislation…

  • Friday Open Comments

    Well, Boehner is the new Speaker of the House.  Pelosi has been relegated to minority status, temporarily if we are to believe her Democrat friends in Congress.  In my opinion, she must have dossiers on a lot of them, for them to continue to support her. A partial transcript of Boehner’s comments: “…We gather here…