Category: Sports

  • Mid Week Texas Memories

    It does not make sense.  They tore The Rice Hotel SHAMROCK down Note to self: post the Rice Hotel sometime in the future   Best Tex/Mex if you had never had Tex/Mex before. If it was just me and him on a 100 mile stretch of road…. I am gonna get a ticket. And they…

  • Weekend Girlie Sports Open Comments

    For all those men out there – go straight to the comments. You won’t appreciate this topic at all. These sports don’t involve in-your-face brutal athleticism, like artistic gymnastics with its emphasis on tumbling and strength, or other sports like swimming, wrestling, etc. These sports have elements of strength and flexibility and ability, like artistic…

  • Baylor Hypocrisy

    Texas A&M is all but gone from the Big 12. Most likely they will be playing SEC football in 2012. With that comes a more equitable revenue sharing arrangement in what is arguably the premier conference in college football. The Aggies get more money (and get out of the shadow of their big brother) and…