Category: Politics

  • Dirty Pool

    I was at a basketball tournament this past weekend, watching Handsome Son and his team mates battle for points. They won their first two games handily. When game three came around, though, things changed. Naturally enough, as play progresses through the tournament, the teams become more evenly matched, at a higher level of ability. I…

  • Why I Can’t Vote Democrat

    I’ve been hearing on the radio the things that Mrs. Obama has been saying to the crowds recently. It’s the same things I’ve been hearing from the Democrats for years. To listen to them, one would think our country is on the brink of economic and moral disaster. The rich are always evil, the poor…

  • Bush to Get Fiscally Conservative … Next Year

    According to the Wall Street Journal President Bush will sign an executive order eliminating much of the earmarks in the budget…the FY 2009 budget: We’re told he will tell Congress that he will veto any fiscal 2009 spending bill that doesn’t cut earmarks in half from 2008 levels. He will also report that he is…