Category: Politics

  • Why Harry Reid, et al, Tick Me Off

    Unless you have been living under a rock lately, you have heard the brouhaha over a comment by Harry Reid, currently the ranking Democrat in the Senate. In a recent book titled Game Change authored by John Heilemann and Mark Halprin, he was quoted as saying that voters would vote for Obama because he was…

  • Envy: Capital Sin Not Capital Improvement

    I have been watching in disbelief as our “leaders” in government try to fix our economic distress. The Democrats are, once again, blaming it all on the “rich,” that elusive, unidentifiable group of madmen who are supposed to be bent upon the demise of our country as long as “they” manage to keep their money.…

  • Since When?

    Normally I am known to have rather specific opinions and, according to some, can be a bit of a know-it-all. I read a LOT, and listen to talk radio rather than the current FM brain rot, so perhaps I am a little more knowledgeable than some, less so than others. But today I began to…