Category: Politics

  • WikiLeaks is Run by an Insecure Eighth Grade Girl

    WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange bravely said his mission is to expose and skewer “lying, corrupt and murderous leadership from Bahrain to Brazil,” in an email sent from his hideout. That more people will likely be killed was apparently lost on the brave fighter for Truth. Assange seems more and more like the 8th grade girl…

  • One Mexican’s View on Charity

    I stumbled across this story on the internet. This is one Mexican that does not want a handout: Carlos Slim has always had a complicated relationship with philanthropy.The Mexican billionaire, who Forbes still lists as the world’s richest man, said in 2007 that he could do more to help fight poverty by building businesses than…

  • Unfairly Hobbling Clinics That Don’t Provide Abortions

    The New York City Council is considering a law aimed at crisis pregnancy centers that do not provide abortions or refer women to abortion clinics. The sponsor of the bill, Councilwoman Jessica Lappin, said the measure was aimed at centers she charged were nothing more than anti-choice centers masquerading as health clinics, 1010 WINS Senior…