Category: Politics

  • Thursday Egyptian Open Comments

    I ran across a very interesting article at The American Thinker about the recent events in Egypt. It was written by an Egyptian student and gives an entirely different perspective on things. One week ago, Egypt was a stable authoritarian regime, prospects of change were minimal and every expert in Washington would have betted on…

  • Tuesday “Composting Equine” Open Comments

    Shortly before I signed off Monday night, I brought up the fact that certain arguments here have been hashed, rehashed, refried, then reborn to be rehashed again.  What is it in us that makes us go over the same things over and over?  A desire to be deemed “right”?  Our inability to accept that some…

  • Monday “Where ARE You!?” Open Comments

    I meant to check last night to see if an OC thread had been set up for this morning…but I was actually making progress on my paperwork and didn’t want to stop my momentum. I hear TBO will be sounding somewhat Republican at his State of the Union Speech tomorrow night. This begs a few…