Category: Politics

  • Monday Open Comments

    I had the privilege of watching a potential future president. I’m sure heads are spinning an exploding on the left, trying to figure out how a black man could be so conservative. He’s especially damaging to the left because he sounds intelligent, and he’s not a witch. Watch for yourself. From what I understand, the…

  • The Myth of Vanishing American Manufacturing

    As long as this country has been around there have always been opportunistic politicians willing to take advantage of unemployed citizens for political gain. Wedge issues may come and go but this one is constant, regardless of the political party in power – “We’re losing our manufacturing base!” But are we? Americans make more “stuff’’…

  • Tuesday Open Comments

    FOOD AS WEAPONS Not exactly the food fight you are envisioning, a la Animal House, but I found this interesting: The Iranian mullahs are constantly trying to beat back “western influences,”  whether its western fashion or western ideas.  But Iranian TV has now issued rules which declare that cooking shows,  yes,  cooking shows,  are not…